Monday, April 26, 2010

The Listening Program

Our son has just started week 4 of The Listening Program (TLP). The entire program will take 20 weeks to complete and involves listening to 15 minutes of music using special headphones twice a day, 5 days a week. So far it's a bit of a challenge keeping the headphones on him for each listening session, but a walk in his stroller or some time in his swing usually does the trick.

We noticed that some of his undesired behaviors seemed to increase the first couple of weeks, and are now decreasing as the program progresses. The OT that suggested this program for our son equated it to cleaning out a messy closet - if your brain were a closet :) Hopefully his "closet" is in the process of becoming better organized.


  1. Can you provide an update of any farther observations? Thanks.

  2. We're finishing up week 6 (Speech and Language) and he's become noisier, which is good. We're going to finish the 20 week program before coming to any conclusions, but he's much noisier!

  3. i am a parent with a son in Nigeria having cerebral palsy.i am intersted in the hyperbaric therapy. how much will it cost?

  4. Hi. My name is Harley. My son is 2 1/2 months old and was born with the same condition. He hasn't been diagnosed with any disabilities yet but he is showing signs of spasity and vision problems. I would appreciate any advice you have on programs or therapies for him. Thank you!

  5. Harley - I would suggest looking into hyperbarics (HBOT). We did that with our son at 12 and 18 months and now have a home chamber. I think that, along with making sure he has as many brain-building nutrients as possible in his diet, was what we really focused on when he was very young, along with standard therapies (PT, OT, Speech). Everyone is different, and just because we noticed improvements in our son, doesn't mean everyone will have the same results. But, I think the earlier you start with interventions, the better chance for improvements.

  6. It seems like a promissing technology for a cerebral palsy. I trust you will keep us informed of the progress

  7. Hi Andy,
    I am sure you finished the 20 weeks by now, as it's 2013 :) I am wondering what your results were. My son is 19 months old had a VERY similar diagnosis, and we are looking into doing this with him. Thanks so much!

    1. And now it's 2015 and I'm finally replying to you Claire :) Sorry for the HUGE delay in responding! He was noisier and made some small improvements. We'd like to do Level One again or try one of their newer programs like SPECTRUM or WAVES with the bone conductor. The only issue with the bone conductor is that I'm not sure it would work with his small head size...

  8. Replies
    1. We tried biofeedback glasses with pulsing lights and music. We didn't spend much time with them since our son didn't sit still for very long :)

  9. I'd like to start TLP with my 19 month old who has CP. Which program are you using? What so you think about the bone conduction one?

    1. We did not do the bone conduction. We completed the Level One program.


  10. Are you using the bone conduction program with him?

  11. We did not use the bone conduction program, but we've thought about starting over again with the listening program from week 1. He did seem to make some small improvement the first time around.
